Familiarity Accelerates Learning

Many up-and-coming Salesforce admins may already have experience with managing data, workflows, and processes in other contexts. A "Build-with-Me" style course that encourages them to transfer their existing knowledge into Salesforce allows for a faster and more intuitive learning experience.

Salesforce record page

Student Information Management

By creating dedicated record types, members will learn how to tailor Salesforce to efficiently manage and store critical student information, such as parent information, report cards records, and academic performance.

Salesforce experience cloud login page
Experience Cloud Activation

Experience Cloud empowers organizations to provide a personalized, engaging experience for their external users. For a new Salesforce admin, this means being able to create user-friendly, customized portals that cater to the specific needs of customers, partners, or employees. This leads to improved user satisfaction and engagement.

Data cleaning in Excel
Data Cleaning

Exporting and importing data is crucial for data migration and updates, and cleaning data in Excel using formulas enhances data quality. Teaching you how to differentiate record type IDs with Excel formulas offers valuable insights into customizing Salesforce, making data management more accurate and streamlined. This comprehensive approach empowers admins to handle data effectively, which is pivotal for maintaining a well-organized and efficient Salesforce system.

School District Org

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My Why

For the past 2 years I've encountered misleading information, wasted precious time, and even invested $30+ on a 16-minute prerecording of a Zoom call that marketed itself as a Salesforce Project... It was a disheartening experience that left me feeling more confused than enlightened. This is what made me realize that there's a significant gap in the resources available to us.

I've spent numerous amounts of hours to plan, create, perfect, polish and refine this course. My focus is on providing high-quality content that genuinely helps you build your skills. I've scoured the internet, I've bought the few courses out there and I can confidently say this step-by-step, build-with-me guide is the absolute best bang for your buck.
I want to ensure that you have access to the knowledge you need without breaking the bank.

I'm here to support and uplift my Salesforce admin community, and together, we can grow and succeed.